МКОУ "Ишкартынская СОШ"
с.Ишкарты, Буйнакский район, Республика Дагестан
  • Страница английского языка

    Всероссийский день чтения..
    09 октября 2024, 21:41

    Всероссийский день чтения. Цели: развитие мотивации к чтению на основе увлекательной игровой деятельности; знакомство детей с правилами обращения с книгой; формирование у детей потребности в чтении. Чтение – это одно из самых полезных хобби, которое позволяет лучше понять самих себя и окружающий мир. Reading increases the efficiency of the brain. Regular reading improves the condition of brain cells and helps us to memorize what we read faster. As we age, our brains age, and reading books naturally can slow down this process.
    Happy Teacher's Day.
    05 октября 2024, 21:48

    Happy Teacher's Day, to a special teacher like you. With your wisdom you guide us, to a life that is humble and true.
    The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is a republican holiday.
    15 октября 2024, 21:55

    The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is a republican holiday, which is celebrated annually on September 15, since 2011. The events to which this holiday is timed took place in 1741. In the middle of the 18th century, the great Iranian commander Nadir Shah, at the head of a well-armed 100,000-strong army, moved to the Caucasus. He intended to march in two huge columns through Derbent, Kaitag and the Tarkovsky shamkhalstvo to the capital of the Mehtuli khanate of Jengutai on the one hand and through Shah Dagh, Mogu Dare, Kazi Kumukh and Khunzakh on the other, in order to conquer the whole of Dagestan as a result. At first, Nadir Shah's aggressive plans were carried out exactly as he intended. A huge army won one victory after another, massacring the population along the way. As a result, taking Kazi-Kumukh along the way, the shah's troops reached the borders of Andalal. The invasion of the city began on September 12, 1741.
    Августовское совещание.
    23 августа 2024, 21:58

    Августовское совещание регионального форума Ассоциации учителей английского языка в г. Махачкале школа номер 57.

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